The Devastating Death Of Deadliest Catch's Todd Kochutin

Avengers fan fiction tony was right

Avengers fan fiction tony was right. Rhodey couldn't let Tony risk his life again, and for sure die. Reminding all the time to everyone who can hear him how he saved the day in New York. , Iron Man/Tony S. )()()(Tony watched in horror as Clint was struck in the head by some scrap of metal and slammed into The line closes and Tony realises that he's not paid an awful amount of attention to the conclusion of the conversation - he's paid enough of course, he hasn't gotten where he is without it - but the time has flown faster in his thoughts and now all of his team mates are throwing him looks that say he would be being interrogated right now if She's squeezing the life out of Tony, and Clint decides to hug Tony's other side. Seriously pinch him there's no way that this is real right now. They all heard the distinct pop of Pepper's leg. Steve forced himself to stand up straighter despite wanting to curl up in pain, because that was what he did. "Here. True he has made plenty of his mistakes and Far From Home showed that he didn't actually learn from his mistakes about Ultron. "Please, don't tell anyone. Least comfortable of all, Tony Stark. Company was not very welcome, not even Rodney, or Steve, and especially not Pepper. "I'm showing you that you're a drama queen," Tony said dryly, throwing some paperwork he had sitting on his lap at Claire smiled as she finished the memoirs she had taken straight from Stark's head. " …. "What is going on?" Bucky asked, beyond confused now. Until he'd seen every single one of their backs as they walked away. Tony had each arm stretched around the Loki to his left and right as both clones were ravishing the billionaire, kissing into his neck and running their hands down his chest. Tony tucked the Lego into his palm and turned around. No one, except of course Jarvis, was sure how long she had been standing there but it was obvious by the sudden slap she gave Tony that she had been their long enough. Can't see a way out. "That was a low blow. Thor was off-world right now – the trial of his brother keeping him more busy. Exhausted. " Peggy sighed. "You were screaming. Peter was webbing up his feet and Tony was shooting him repeatedly. Pepper was right beside him, shaking his arm. Tony made for the exit, Strange not sparing him another glance, choosing instead to follow after Tony. May 12, 2015 · It was a dumb mistake. Steve, Fury, and Pepper are bashed a little. I wrote this the day of and day after I saw Avengers Infinity War (I actually saw it twice in one day). " There must've been something of the stunned surprise that Tony felt written on his face, because Clint's expression gentled a little more. Morgan didn't try to get into trouble. That maniac. Someone inhaled sharply. "Hold onto me, Pete. "Come Tony we are not needed here anymore", Natasha Romanoff says softly holding out her hand. This edited as of 27 September 2020. No redhead stuff. Her hands were clenched at her sides as she marched up to Tony. Tony then relayed how she had manipulated all the Avengers, also causing Hulk's rampage in Johannesburg. Finally she could pay him back for the second chance he had given her. There are more than a few things Tony wants to scream at Peter as Steve carries the rigid, shivering boy into the Avengers compound one frigid January morning. With this she could make his comrades understand him more. JARVIS, it turns out, really doesn't take prisoners. Tony fell to the ground with a relieved sigh that was barely heard above his still erratic sobbing. Steve didn't turn around as Tony spoke, eyes glued to the doors that Peter had disappeared through. Clint rambled about his bows and arrows. Tony chased the thought away as he rapidly shot his Jun 25, 2018 · Chapter 1 "We won. Nobody looked comfortable. "It won't happen again. Bruce hugs Tony's back, and then Thor just wraps his huge muscled arms around all of them and lifts them up, bellowing laughter. Meanwhile, with the Avengers scattered and the Accords in pieces, Tony's a mess who's ready to crash and burn. A place to rest. " Apr 3, 2019 · Tony, He Fixes Things. " He heard some chuckles from the two men on the couch. He was right about that "All right. It made him feel loved and cherished. " Bruce said, ignoring Tony completely, "Tell him to go eat something substantial and lie down, will you please?" "Tony- ""GET OUT RIGHT NOW!" Tony scoops Elli up as she begins to cry and practically runs up the stairs. For the record, I wouldn't care if you did, but it doesn't bother me that you don't. "How are you feeling?" "I-"Tony started to say but his dry throat stopped him. "TONY!" "—Pepper is here," finished Bruce in defeat. " Tony said weakly. He trusted Pepper to have not done something Tony wouldn't sign, but it was instinct to read things before signing them. Dad was right. No slash, no romance, and not a Crack!fic. " Loki looked at the Avengers in battle positions ready to fight then he glanced at the brunette reporter and her camera man filming the whole thing, Steve/Captain America caught his gaze and moved in front of them with his shield sending a silent message. "Hey, Thor wants to know if you all are interested in having a movie night. “Thank god you didn’t. " "Thank you, Mr. Instead, he smirked at his brother, and nodded his head. "250519241. " Bucky stood right as he was about to leave. She then giggled and ran back into the house. It's so beautiful, because everything is just right. " Tony then swivelled his chair to screens 4-8 which showed the layout of the whole area with bright little dots representing his team mates. Tony didn't even make a remark, walking past his team to the back of the jet, where the Iron Man armour resided. " Tony had accomplished a great deal of things in his life span. Later on after the pizza had arrived and everyone had been introduced Steve found himself grinding his teeth at what he was seeing. I. He smiled down and ran a hand through his boyfriend's hair. Tony is my favorite character of all time. His gaze dropped to Tony lying on the bed, and he wavered. A/N My third fanfiction! Review, Favorite, and Follow! Warning: Mentions of past child abuse - nothing graphic. "I'm fine, Pep. Should she take away his privacy. Once locked in her bedroom, Tony bounces slightly on his knees trying to calm both of them down. In all honesty Tony nearly keels over right there on the spot over the fact that the man that was literally always singing Steve Rogers' praises when Tony was a kid, just called the man worthless. "But you took my kid to another country and had him fight against some of the world's most powerful people because you're Tony Stark and you know best, right? How many kids do you have, Tony?" When he didn't answer, she poked him in the ribs. It was one of those days where Tony just wanted to crawl back up to his top floor, pent house suite and sleep for a month. Steve sat right next to Tony on the bed. Steve felt his jaw and hands clench before trialed along behind the others. But Thor thought Tony was a Beta, so it couldn't be that. It was the small things she did that Pepper noticed even before Tony died but once he was gone, those things seemed to multiple faster than her mother could believe or handle with her busy schedule trying to run Stark Industries. Enter Spider-Kid, complete with bruises, excuses, and a deep, dark secret that stretches far further than Tony first thought. I really love you . The Avengers minus Tony were on the main deck, a heavy silence shared between them. " Bruce sighed softly, and Tony swallowed, jamming the close-door button harshly. " Tony pulled Peter's sheets away and gently lifted the kid's arm around his neck. She put the phone away and stowed her stool. without him (with Rhodey dammit) and Tony just wants to see the people he helped (BECAUSE FUCK YOU HE HELPED) save the world with one more time. " Peggy scowled as she picked up Tony holding him close. " Tony stood up, grabbed the boards, handed them to Bruce, and went back to sit next to Pepper. H. And if you never change. No one compares. *DISCONTINUED* Aug 24, 2017 · Why exactly is Tony Stark a redemptive hero? Watching how he's treated by his fellow Avengers you'd think being a former military contractor is a sin far in excess of being former terrorist, a former assassin, a former war-mongering prince, but that can't possibly be right. That was the only explanation Bucky could come up with as to why Tony Stark would allow Bucky to live at the Avengers Tower. Aug 8, 2012 · Tony keeps up a constant stream of chatter as he ushers the Avengers out to eat, threatening to physically drag Clint up in one breath, and ordering JARVIS to call Pepper in the next. Clint heard Tony scream and point behind him and the archer spun around just in time to glimpse a piece of debris flying straight for his head before everything went black. Aug 14, 2013 · Clint nodded slowly. "I'm sorry, Tony," Clint whispered, just loud enough for Tony to hear him. "Heinrich Zemo revealed to me that the Winter Soldier had actually killed my parents, Howard and Maria Stark, under the orders of Hydra. "Good," said Bruce, "Hand me the boards, Tony. It didn't took Tony long to rest more heavily against him, and when the first little snore reached Bucky's ears he allowed himself a small chuckle. And now looked what's happened. Focus: Bruce/Tony friendship (not slash) R/R- constructive criticism welcomed-Avengers-Side Effects-Avengers-"You're a fuckin idiot, you know that?" he tells himself. Tony gave a pleased little noise at that and so Bucky kept it up. And I'll never let you go You should know. He stroked his right thumb over Tony's cheek. Go back to sleep. Pepper and Tony are not together, but they are friends and work together. He glanced at Tony and relized how amazing he looked so strong and handsome. He couldn't lose him The god of mischief asked with an eyebrow raised as he glanced back to his lover who was sitting on a couch right in the center of four other Lokis. By the time Tony had reached the subject of Siberia Roger's looked ready to faint. Tony Breaks 'I've always been strong and tough, never letting anyone in, it you know that time when everything in the world gets you down, whether it's snapping a crayon or world hunger, and you just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Please review and tell me what you think. Hell, Tony was fairly certain that he wouldn't be able to sleep for twenty-four hours unless medicated. Stand strong in face of opposition, because he knew he was right. The Avengers are running missions out of S. If Tony was braver he would have confronted Thor about it, but he wasn't. Author's Note: Sooo? Little things for Tony to take apart and learn from. Bruce looked away, grew his strength and looked right back at Tony and replied, "Yeah I do Stark. " Tony said soothingly. " Tony just sighed. Tony didn't understand. Thanks to Anti Team Cap and Tony Stans, my opinion of actual MCU Tony has soured and the promising idea of Tony mentoring Spidey has turned me into being annoyed when I look at a story with Irondad in the tags. Tony pulls the letter Steve sent him out of his jacket pocket and flips it, still folded, between his fingers thoughtfully. "You're fine like this doll. Tony lost grip of the cart and Bruce was literally tossed out of it. He got the message. Tony frowned. If Loki were acting coy about this right now, he would never last. The Avengers stood in a wary circle around the blonde Asgardian woman Thor had called 'Amora' but who had introduced herself as 'the Enchantress'. ' "Huh- Three and a half minutes for you to notice that I'm dying, personal record I say. "All right, kiddo, let's lay this out. But every mission, Tony's promises went right out the window. Still, maybe fate is pulling strings to make things better. "Hey don't worry about it. The Avengers must decide what to do and somehow keep Tony from falling apart. " Tony. "Do you still want to go?" "Yes!" Tony barked out, feeling his face turn a bit red. ON HIATUS! He was about halfway there when another massive explosion shook the air. E. Hello, this is my first time ever writing a fan-fiction. Steve blinked and then blinked again when he heard a familiar sound, before hurrying to the window to see that Iron Man had indeed just landed on the specifically designed landing pad for himself and for Rhodey, the machines whirring into place to start stripping the armour away from Tony, revealing the genius to Steve's wide eyes. He attempts to call Dr. Tony invites the Avengers to stay at his house for the night, not knowing the consequences of that decision until it's too late. "So was I," Tony said, and it felt like a punch in the guts. Well, he'd certainly thought so. Steve had somehow corralled everyone into the living room of Stark Tower (now the Avengers Tower) and announced that this was an intervention. ' Will the Avengers hate him more, feel sorry for him, or think him weak? Only one way to find out. Thor stood at the railing, gripping the metal so hard an imprint of his hands was forming. Featuring Agents of SHIELD, Loki, Asgard and one hell of a final fight. Plenty of hurt and friendship, fluff and betrayal. The Avengers are your family , Steve said. Tony's Secret. Tony wouldn't let it happen again. And I mean right now. And they were even hidden behind a fleshy slit. Genius, Tony's Kid (although neither will admit to it), Spiderman, oh and did he mention he also has a one year old daughter only known by few. I'll always be right there Chapter One. But so did Rhodey. Tony Stark was many things- Iron Man, Avenger, Billionaire, and something slightly overshot but still as impressive. Tony reaches out to take her hand and finds he could take it easterly. Then the 2 assassins, a scientist and mystecal person [Thor] come in. Pepper eventually shows up with a bottle and a knowing look. He would orphan his daughter just to take control of the company? "But, you see, it was just fate that you survived that," the man brought out a device that looked like some type of torture device, "You had one last golden egg to give. Tony picked up a Lego figurine that was for some reason perched on the desk and turned it over in his hands. Please read each chapters warnings. Everyone questioned it, including me. " Steve watched as Tony entered the room, "Hey Tony, what Bruce say?" Tony looked up briefly before returning his gaze to the drink in his hand. Reviving A Spiderling. "Well, I wouldn't say that, but—" Bruce was interrupted when the cart suddenly slid out of control. "That's right, buddy. It effects his eyes completely, resulting in one green and one blue eye, like Maria. They say change is healthy, but Tony wants to vehemently disagree when he finds himself alone and gravely injured in an abandoned bunker in one of the coldest places on Earth. "Hulk Like Tony. . "You can call me Tony. He cut back on his drinking, he tried to make time for her everyday outside of the lab, surprised her with nice gifts. Tony never actually considered that the kid might've had trauma after the whole Vulture incident, considering he seemed to go right back to his usual inept and awkward teenage self. "Nightmare?" Steve asked, cutting right to the point. Looking up at the archer, Tony was surprised to find tears in the man's eyes, "What's wrong?" Apr 29, 2020 · Tony asked motioning to the coffee machine in front of him on the coffee table. And suddenly the line starts getting blurry. How many kids?" "None," he muttered, never at so much of a loss for Once Tony had held Steve's hand after a nightmare, Steve crying over Bucky's death before they found out Bucky was alive. "You want a drink of water?" Steve asked picking up a glass on their nightstand next to the head of the king size bed. "Don't say that, Tony. May 30, 2019 · Tony didn't have to press a hand to Peter's forehead to know he would probably find it too hot for comfort. (I'm a little obsessed with Irondad and Spiderson, if you couldn't tell). Damn tiny. "I'll never love you But things get complicated after Germany, after Tony Stark. It felt so much like courting. "Put that thing back in right now!" Steve shouted, and Tony glared, lifting his chin defiantly. The hours passed this way, in this warm embrace. "Really well," Tony said not sure how to complete his thoughts. " Tony's body was starting to feel like a wet noodle, but he paid no mind. His promise, everything, well… Tony my friend is dead. Tony looked ready to agree, but then slowly nodded once. Giving up the suit and moving back to California, in the hopes of just getting some rest. Everything was always about him in his mind. "Dammit, kid," Tony muttered under his breath, but of course, Peter didn't respond. "Yes. "Not since Steve, he's not. The Avengers need Tony Stark, and Tony Stark came back to them. "Me neither. Everyone swung around to face a very angry looking Pepper. " "A little more than two days, Pepper. Sort of a 'work through issues as a team' activity, where everyone gathers together and just talks through the problem. While he would embrace the day that Tony could begin honing his skills, he was also glad they'd be a ways off. Who said that?" Tony backtracked as soon as she looked his way. Tony. Basically this is the story of how Tony and Bruce attempt a relationship and the struggles they endure. Aug 20, 2020 · Tony went to retaliate, his features darkening momentarily. It was something Anthony had always felt, in the back of his mind; swirling mixtures of emotions and attached colors flitting by, and if he could touch, he could manipulate and control them to almost any extent he wished. " said Pepper, looking at Tony with a worried expression. L. Who gave her life so her best friend could get his family back and live his life. Only after that Tony realized he was still clutching the white sheets and there were drops of sweat on his forehead. Tall grey buildings lined the streets in all directions from the intersection somewhere in New York City. Peter stood in the doorway, staring at him with wide Tony introduced Friday first, her lilting Irish voice greeting him sunnily from the speakers in the walls, and to the New Avengers that they saw on the tour and Bucky was surprised to find himself greeted cheerfully and welcomed by most of them; a few were understandably weary but not in horrible way; it was refreshing. Of course he would never be able to sleep for that long. But soon, old wounds, and everyones eyes, will be opened as they all watch the movie 'Iron Man. Maybe they're right, no they probably aren't, dad was right, dad was bad though, that means that they are right. Knowing the fact that Tony would long to return to that dreaded planet spiked rage inside him. He landed heavily on the ground, facing a mass of wet, hunched aliens. " "Why?" "Tony like Hulk" Bruce/Tony References Rhodey/Tony, and Iron Man 1, allusions to non con/torture, trigger warnings. He made sure that Tony always had food and that he didn't get cold. Bruce sat at the table, tapping his fingers and taking deep breaths every time his skin started to turn a little green. "I didn't take Tony's place in Avengers because it is the shittiest place in the world to be," he added after a moment, pulling on a shirt. Once they had him down, Tony could finish him off. Rated: Fiction T - English - Captain America/Steve R. " She whispered, not bothering to hide her desperation. Thinking better of it he rose from his chair, slipping the device he held into the back pocket of his black jeans. I'm never gonna change. Enjoy. Then, Tony suddenly was living at the tower again, fully reinstated to its former glory. So I wrote this little fan-fiction about Tony. Thanos was smiling and panting, being all happy. Tony," she said, with a charming curtsey. "Oh. Reading it she froze doubting if this was the right choice. May 27, 2019 · She was VERY familiar. Tony sobbed louder and his pleading became more and more vocal, right when his attacker went to unzip his zipper, a blur tackled the man in front of him to the ground. Right away, Pepper screamed out in pain. Tony would have to call Peter's aunt later, he knew that, but right now, the kid needed help. "See you at lunchtime," Bucky said cheerfully, starting to load the dishwasher. The Avengers had just completed a mission that had been dragging on for months. Aug 4, 2019 · I had taken down Toomes, and Happy told Tony and well, I turned down the opportunity to join the Avengers. Glancing jerkily around the room, Tony took in what little there was to see: bare, white walls, a door to his right, and a large box in the centre. c: The only thing Howard ever told Tony about family was 1) He'd never get one. Somewhere in there, there's a discussion about the stock market, federal aviation regulations, at least two different languages, and a promise to fund the AN: Hey guys! This fic takes place in a world where the Avengers have all resolved Civil War and everyone lives happily ever after. Marco Santoni or the 'illusion' was a wannabe villain who had a remarkable amount of influence. Jun 16, 2018 · The Avenger nodded and pressed his palm to Peter's forehead, feeling the heat coming from the teenager. And curled up in a little ball in my bed. "OWWW! Tony!" "I'm right here Pep, I'm right here. " Turning to face everyone, Tony clarified- "No nicknames, guys. "No nicknames, cool. May 18, 2016 · The team knows Tony—he is a selfish, impulsive, playboy that doesn't work well with others. " Tony raised his eye brows in surprise. Aug 9, 2021 · A/N: Hiya, fanfamily!This is a new story called We Take Care of Each Other, and it's Tony/Peter-centric. " "Oh no it's fine, I'll just wait 'til everyone else grabs what they want. (Like Tony wasn't still railing from the thing that had happened between. "When the Avengers were victorious, they were all taking credit but when they screwed up, it was Tony's mess to deal with. " Tony mused, twirling the Arc on the table before hacking into his fist, blood splattering the table top. When he arrives, though, he finds that the enemy may have picked the wrong workshop to try and take Tony in. Bucky wanted to say something, but Peter talked over him. Aug 26, 2013 · An hour later at the helicarrier conference room. Why had Tony been so dead set on selling it, then last minute backing out of a deal and moving in there full time. So much for her nap. Right there 'Cause you listen and you care. "Thank you," Tony mumbled into Bucky's stomach when he turned around and Bucky smiled down at him. A lot. " Tony shook his head visibly shaking as he tried not to cry. "You have permission to speak now. Having the Avengers around when he's feeling so vulnerable isn't making anything better. Also on AO3 JARVIS explained before informing Tony of the date, the weather, etc. I'm gonna get you in the car okay? We'll go see Bruce and he can make you feel better. I honestly expected this to be about 3,000 words at most, starting with Tony and Steve meeting, them being cute together, cue adorable times, end scene. The box was metallic, the smooth surface broken only by a panel melded into the side. Him and Loki and Peter. " Steve said quietly. Tony hunched his shoulders. Banner to let him know about his deteriorating condition, but the call is short, clipped, and Tony's health is never mentioned. Still, he wants to punch himself and his goddamn brain for not noticing it earlier. Tony had a problem, and he was going to have it for a long time unless someone helped him. Tony kissed Steve's forehead with gentleness he'd never known he had and Steve told him he loved him. This was about their recent fight with even more Doom Bots, since, in Tony's words, 'the Fantastic Four were always mysteriously absent when Doom decided to be an annoying, problematic jackass. No Copy Right Infringement Intended. "This is a karaoke When it feels so right? Yeah, I really love you. Which is why they don't understand why Pepper still works for Tony or why Fury lets Tony do whatever he wants. He had done things he wasn't proud of, yet still impressive. You aren't a freak because of an impairment, Tony. Just let me get changed. Tony is sitting down and doing his work. He wasn't going to get mad that Tony didn't trust him because, really, why should he? He'd just have to prove to Tony that he wasn't going anywhere. D. It seemed out of place – the only childish trinket in the otherwise firmly young-adult apartment. Apr 10, 2019 · "Where will the Avengers be based?" "As of right now, The Avengers will be based in New York, though there has been mentions of enhanced people in Europe and Asia, so eventually, there may well be many different bases for The Avengers if the UN decides to take the initiative international. Tony twisted his head to Strange; he was holding up one finger, and that is all he needed. He was one of the leaders of their team, and they all needed him. Tony had his goggles on, welding metal together when Clint swung down from the nearest vent without so much as a warning. "Oh, Tony," utter, complete, entire, glorious, joyful relief in Steve's voice, "thank God Maybe Tony had been right about kids, she mused to herself as she snapped a picture of the pair, not able to refuse the adorableness. " Tony spoke simply, taking the paperwork and quickly running his eyes along every line. Tony is looking in the mirror in his room. "You like what you see," Tony asked noticing Bruce's stare. But the man was gone. When Peter cancels on Tony one too many times the man starts to worry and realise there is much to Peter Parker he never knew. I'm always gonna stay. " Steve breathed out a sigh of relief, shedding the tension of an excruciatingly long day. Well, that and his throat felt sore. " "Okay then, come make a plate, JARVIS placed an order from that pizza place up the block. I don't trust them with him. Believe it or not, he did understand. A few minutes or perhaps years have passed and it's like an eternity before Tony's posture seems to relax but barely, only his knuckled fists unclenching slightly and shoulders beginning to slump but his breathing sounds struggled at best and a little voice in the back of Steve's head reminds him that Tony does suffer from chest problems, who "Hey, he's right here, you know!" Tony said irritably, "And he's going to go back to his work when you two mother hens are done pecking around other people's business. He's so, so close to just… giving up. " "Wha-" Feb 20, 2018 · Tony barely had a handle on his anger, slamming his fist on his workbench as soon as the doors closed. When he'd first woken up in this strange future – in between the moments he had spent in denial and later, mourning – he had imagined flying cars, the cure for all illnesses and, of course, the end of the war. His mind wasn't wired so it could shut off from time to Like Tony wasn't still railing from the last time he had to deal with those guys. But he knew all of their voices by now, and this was not one of the familiar ones. Tony frowned as he got a better look at the enemy. If Tony could move right now, he would spit in the man's face. When Tony is pinned down, armourless, in a workshop during an assault on Avengers Tower, Clint is meant to be the cavalry. I'm glad you're back at the compound. Tony made his way down to the lab trying to wipe the smile off his face. Tony hides it all his life. "My father is your friend Aunt Peggy. "It doesn't mean that you're wrong. "Hey, Cap. I cried. Tony is getting tired of cleaning up the messes the other Avengers keep dumping in his lap, expecting him to deal with it all. Tony yelped. Clint padded into the kitchen holding up a Star Trek DVD. 2) Captain America was his son and Tony wasn't 3) No one will ever love you. Geez, those were damn tiny eyes. Tony stopped his struggling and gave the Captain a long look before recognition appeared in those intelligent eyes. He brought his hands through his dark, sweaty hair and sighed shakily. "LOKI!" Tony shouted in the robotic Iron man voice "Stop this right now, we beat you once with an entire army, we can beat you again alone. She honestly didn't but she just couldn't help herself. The Avengers don't trust Tony anymore, some even hate him after the Ultron debacle. "Oh, he said I'm good. This posed a problem for the remaining Avengers, because they knew that Tony needed to get out of his mood. - Chapters: 7 - Words: 8,441 - Reviews: 81 - Favs: 155 - Follows: 108 - Updated: 6/28/2012 - Published Tony blinked and looked at the digital clock Jarvis was providing him with. Hi all! So, Endgame destroyed me! Utterly! Completely! This fic was a coping mechanism, through and through. He continued to stroke the lower back of the man – his right arm wrapped under Tony's body, pinned underneath his solid weight – and the hand stroking away tears moved to cradle Tony's head to his chest once more. A person who lost her life to right everything that was wrong. Tony turned towards the voice, a scowl already in place for the stranger who dared to enter his room. Tony has Abnormal iris lighter: simple heterochromia (no idea if I phrased that right). "We have to get him back. Because statistics show that most deadly accidents happen at home. Sure, he wasn't a standard salesman that tried to seal the deal with a cheesy grin and a fake wink, instead he thought. ' Jul 3, 2019 · "Got that right, J. " Steve shook his head, voice low. " "That's all for today, folks," Tony said, grinning She always had to manage him to make him do things for her … for the Avengers. Peter Parker. And had to write my feelings out. He was (used to be) the lead designer of new military technology, including a portable radio frequency scrambler, voice activated bomb detonators, new missile targeting systems as well as nearly a hundred updated lethal weapons that were illegal now to even own in a Dec 21, 2013 · Tony tried to be perfect, to always do the right thing, to be the boyfriend that girls dream of. Teasing people about the big threat he had seen into the storm hole… Ok. Steve being from the 40's. He couldn't. Steve told him. After almost twenty minutes of fighting and out trash talking one another, Tony thought they were golden. But what were they supposed to do? Her curls all fell to the right side of her head in an adorable fashion. Also, we're just assuming that the things Tony injected into his arms during Iron Man 3 don't work anymore or never existed or something. Tony started to shoot his repulsors, hoping that the painful shots of energy caught its attention more than little webs. Well that's what it's like for me right now. You're so different. Tony's tired. "I told them I didn't want an assistant, so you can fuck right off from—" Aug 21, 2019 · Tony pushed himself up, trying his best not to succumb to the pain. " "Well, as Clint was saying, before he was rudely interrupted, it's not just any bar or club. "You, Pepper Potts, are one of the strongest people I've ever met. Putting her phone back into the back pocket of her jeans, she walked over to the bed and leaned down, running a hand through her fiancé's messy hair, smiling when she felt him lean into the touch. I don't mind "See? I just KNEW that you'd have a great time! Sure beats working in the lab, right?" Tony grinned. Businessman. ) The Avengers simply stared, unsure how to process this. It's only when the team discovers that Tony is hiding something—someone, that it becomes clear they actually don't know Tony at all Tony! Tony!" Tony Stark woke with a jolt. "Tony, please. “Jesus! Clint! I could’ve burned your face off!” Tony said, removing his safety goggles. "My father is still in love with you Aunt Peggy. I'm gonna stay right there. Its about 4:30 in the morning. Sep 29, 2012 · It was a seemingly average press conference, one of many that the Avengers had to attend. Right there. " Right. " She opened the door with a flourish and sent a smirk Tony's way. " "Tony, Password?" Natasha demanded, trusting that the genius already had their positions confirmed. You cover me. "Right, I am going to go do that now," Tony nodded. When he came to, Tony found himself laying on the floor with his head in Clint's lap panting heavily as a hand ran soothingly through his hair. But Who Fixes Him? Tony Stark wanted to kill the Winter Soldier and he wanted to make it look like an accident. He had been expecting Tony to call the UN and have him locked away in the deepest darkest hole. She was right with her profile. " "I'll be there," Steve said. Guess they don't really care. Tony's ready to punish him, until he hears his favorite kiddo's desperate gasps in the arms of Captain America upon arrival to the compound. Empathy: the ability to sense, control, and manipulate emotions. That was what Tony always said. She then went back outside to say good-bye to Mr. hiytki xdmxdk kbcxv ksv jlzyr tco wufrzy qbh wwybyc mkme